Home Foodies Blog Baba ka Dhaba – What really happened

Baba ka Dhaba – What really happened


Social media is pouring crap these days. I just opened Twitter and found the food blogger who got Baba Ka Dhaba in limelight has been booked by Delhi Police under IPC 420 for alleged cheating. Baba ka Dhaba’s owner Kanta Prasad blamed Gaurav Wasan for getting the funds routed to him instead of Baba. This all started when a YouTuber by the name of Lakshay Chaudhary made a video and created a controversy.

It is getting so tough to help out people these days, isn’t it? I mean who would imagine that a Delhi-based food blogger would upload a video in which baba was crying as his business was badly hit after COVID-19 and got the video viral in a matter of hours.

However, this is disturbing on so many levels. Imagine you go out to help someone and then land into trouble with authorities for helping someone out. The same person you help puts the blame of forgery on you. Take the complete faith of mankind. Especially in the case of “Baba ka Dhaba”.

Let us take a look at the set of events in this entire drama.

What Gaurav Wasan did?

Gaurav Wasan is a Delhi based food blogger and runs a YouTube channel by the name of Swadofficial.

He just helped, that’s it. I mean maybe there was a hidden agenda behind what he did, but how does that matter. The question is did the help reached baba? Yes, off-course from every corner of the country.

He made a video telling his viewers about the food joint and the hardship that Kanta Prasad is going through.

Meanwhile, since Gaurav is so confident to come out in open with his bank statements, I think the fault lies with baba. So I decided to dig a little deeper and found out a few alarming facts.

Video went viral

Once Gaurav uploaded the video, it just went ballistic. People were sharing, re-tweeting, and posting on their profile. In a matter of a few hours, it went viral and got trending on every social media platform.

The video got 2 million vies in 24 hours on Instagram.

Baba ka dhaba trending on Gaurav Wasan Instagram profile
Baba Ka Dhaba trending on Instagram

A lot of folks on social media who call themselves influencers started looking at this opportunity to ripe benefits.

Emotions sell too fast on social media. After the post went viral people started helping the couple out. They went to the food joint had food, poured in a lot of donations. Money was flowing from all corners of the country.

But it would sound great if it had a fairy tale ending right? So then a lot of influencers started making YouTube videos on this. Man food blogging is tough.

Then came Lakshay Chaudhary with his own version of what was happening

Lakshay Chaudhary runs a YouTube channel where is so call roast people
Look at his face, I mean just look at it

Lakshay Chaudhary a prominent name on YouTube with a channel that has over 200K + subscribers. Now, I did had a look at his channel and found that most of his videos are based on hate speech and making fun of others. It’s not his fault, people on the internet these days like filth more than sensible stuff. I mean look at Carry Minati. The guy literally made a fortune just by abusing people on the internet on his videos he calls roast. This is what is wrong with the internet folks these days.

Lakshay planted doubt in the owner of Baba Ka Dhaba’s owner Kanta Prasad’s head that there was way too much money coming in as compared to what he was getting. Also, the fact that Gaurav Wasan was siphoning a lot of money that was coming via donations. He did it through one of his videos.

Why did Lakshay Chaudhary do it? Simple to gain more views and subscribers as he knew that his content is going to gain traction as this was a trending topic.

Folks do anything for views and followers these days.

Baba Revolted

After the video made by the great self-proclaimed influencer Lakshay Chaudhary, something happened that was not expected. Kanta Prasad already had a huge sum of money in this bank account due to Gaurav sharing Baba’s account details with his followers. Luckily, the account got frozen by the bank as it got 20 Lacs in a matter of a few days which was not normal as per bank standard.

So now, baba had the money, he had people who can help him and he had Lakshay Chaudhary implanting stuff in his head. So what Baba decided was to go after Gaurav, knowingly or unknowingly with the stuff planted in his head. He lodged a complaint to the police and accused Gaurav of having more money which did not reach Kanta Prasad.

What’s happening right now

Imagine a person who was not able to make a few thousand in a month, had enormous funds at his disposal. First, he got his eye operated on with the funds he received. Well, that’s the only sensible thing he did.

He got a manager for his Dhaba, hired a lawyer, hired a social media manager, and then held a press conference. Phew….! That was a leap, reminded me of that singer who shot to fame overnight. Ranu Mondal!

Baba ka Dhaba owner Kanta Prasad holding a press conference
Baba ka Dhaba owner holding a press conference

The ego also overshot and his bad attitude was seen in a lot of videos surfacing online.

The aftermath of accusation on Gaurav Wasan

There are a lot of people who came out in support of Gaurav Wasan. I mean the guy was literally open to sharing his bank statements and his family’s statements open for clarification.

There were a lot of interviews which were held. In one of the interviews, while talking to a local radio channel, he couldn’t control his emotions and started crying. He spoke about what he and his family are going through. I am sure with the sick-minded people we have on the internet he must be facing tons of abuses from senseless people who do not know the facts.

But this tells you a lot about the character of the person you are dealing with. One gets on the seventh sky after crying and getting help from the country and one is so humble that he is willing to share his private bank details to clarify and starts crying.

This incidence not only has sparked a national outburst but also, tells us that each one of you needs to think twice before helping anyone out. Having said that I don’t think people would stop helping others just because this help did not pan out the way it was supposed to be.

Summing Up

Till now the momentum was in the favor of baba, however, slowly its shifting to Gaurav Wasan’s side. Reason being is Baba’s callous attitude and way of dealing with things clearly shows that money is speaking not the Baba.

A simple man like him should have run the Dhaba and left every bit of huss and fuss at its place. However, greed has no limit.

Now he is more busy in holding press conferences hiring lawyers and mangers. This is exactly what money does to a person when he has not seen it enough.

So this was the whole episode of Baba ka Dhaba folks. I am sure there are a lot of pages which are going to unfold in coming future. So, I will keep on updating the same article and get you latest news on it.

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