Are you much paranoid when browsing the web using the Google Chrome browser? In this article let us talk about Password Saving in Google Chrome, Incognito mode in web browsers, VPN for Google Chrome, Access HTTPS Sites and, what Google thinks when you use chrome.
If that is you, know that you are not alone.
Even though it is the most loved and widely used internet browser in the world right now, the fact that it was developed by a data-hungry company (read: Google) brings concerns of its own. The good news, though, is that you can enjoy all the goodies of the Google Chrome browser and still stay safe on the internet at the same time.
Here are some things to do to make that happen.
Prevent Password Saving in Google Chrome

Chrome has a neat feature built-in that offers to help you store the passwords to websites which you visit frequently. Password Saving in Google Chrome is ideal for webmasters who work on several platforms. The aim of that is to reduce the amount of time you spend trying to remember each password – and the rate at which you click on the Forgot Password button.
This is unsafe because anyone can get access to your computer and log in to your accounts without even having to hack your passwords. At the same time, the actual passwords can be revealed if an unauthorized person gains access to the Google Chrome dashboard. Go into the settings tab to disable the offer to save your passwords, and go for a dedicated password management software instead.
Try Incognito Mode

This is a tricky one, and we will let you know why here. I use Incognito mode in Chrome all the time. If you know what I mean. Wink wink! When you access any website on the Google Chrome browser, the browser itself remembers the website you went to, when you accessed it, and the things you did there too.
Likewise, all cookies that were saved on your browser during that session will remain. All these are not true with Incognito Mode, helping to keep you safer from targeting and data monitoring. However, Incognito Mode will not prevent your employer or ISP from seeing what websites you are on.
Even though your browser is not saving your internet history at this time, they can still see it on their administration panels. Incognito mode in web browsers keeps your web surfing privacy as other users who use the same machine will not know what you surfed.
Employ a VPN for Chrome

A better alternative to incognito mode is Chrome VPN software options. VPN for Google Chrome is easily available for free online.
You might have been seeing a VPN as a piece of software that allows you to change your location at will, but they work for much more than that. By changing your location, it means that they have connected to another server location.
That automatically makes it impossible for even your ISP to determine the physical location of your computer from your IP address information. At the same time, your internet traffic is being passed through a ton of servers, obscuring the data from prying eyes.
Access HTTPs Sites only

HTTP is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is a protocol over which the URL entered in the address bar gets translated into the website you want to visit. For a while now, you might have started seeing an extra ‘s’ at the back of this acronym (thus reading HTTPS).
This last ‘s’ stands for Secure. Many websites now have an ordinary HTTP address and an HTTPS variant from when they moved to the new protocol. It is your job to ensure you are only accessing the HTTPS variant.
A good way to do this is by using the HTTPS Anywhere plugin which forces every website you enter to render in the HTTP format, if available.
Listen to Google when it comes to Chrome browser security
Google did not get to the top of the internet browser game by slacking, and they would like to stay there for much longer. That is why they have also devised a way to inform users of possible malicious sites before they get into it at all.
Google has no business gunning down another website, so you should take their warnings seriously. When they tell you a website is unsafe to visit, you better believe them – or proceed with utmost caution lest you lose sensitive information and data to such websites.
Summing up on Google Chrome browser security
I use Google Chrome all the time. It is my favorite browser, however, in these times when data privacy and user security is at risk, these tips help me in keeping myself digitally safe.
My recommendation: Use a VPN for Google Chrome instead of Incognito mode in web browsers.
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