Home Cycling & Biking Hashtags for your cycling posts on social media

Hashtags for your cycling posts on social media

Hashtags for cycling posts

Let’s start with the question what is a hashtag? A hashtag is a keyword that helps to describe or categorize your image. The beauty of hashtags is that they are clickable and searchable. So that you can quickly pull up a feed of images tagged with a certain keyword. Hashtags help you find images and more importantly, furthermore connect with the people who posted them, around specific themes. Let’s understand more about cycling hashtags. Remember hashtags for cycling posts are the same for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. In this article, we will take a look at hashtags separately for each type of cycling activity like MTB hashtags, Road cycling hashtags, Cycle commuting hashtags and, Cycle Touring hashtags.

Before you get into the hashtags for cycling here I would advise you to read my article on Instagram Shadowban. Can sometimes even after using the right hashtags there are chances that you might get the user engagement that you are looking for.

Isn’t that a cool pic below, follow me for more cycling pictures.

How Does Cycling Hashtags Work?

Supposing we clicked a cycling picture, and we wanted to a) show it off, and b) connect with other people who are into cycling. Simply post an image using an appropriate cycling hashtag and you’ll soon be attracting likes and follows from similarly minded cyclists.

The obvious, predictable cycling hashtags

Now you can use #cycling, #cycle, #cyclist and all are popular. But they’re too generic. How many people are regularly searching for images on generic topics? If you can get a bit more specific with your hashtags, the quality of your pictures will go up. Plus, a major factor with high traffic hashtags is that your freshly posted image soon gets buried by all the incoming ones.

Always try to be more specific for more user engagement and the meaningful audience looking at your pictures on Instagram

Generic Instagram & Twitter hashtags for cyclists

These tags are way too generic and can be easily guessed by anyone. Even a person with no knowledge of social media can use these hashtags. The issue is that these are way too generic and your picture getting buried will be too common.

For my fellow riders, I have chosen a few high-ranking and searched keywords. You can directly copy paste these cycling hashtags for maximum user engagement.

Bike and cycle hashtags tends to be common, just a heads up.

Generic cycling hashtags

Generic cycling hashtags for cyclists and bikers for social media optimization of their posts
PC: 2019-giro-rosa-stage-1-4

There are lots of Instagram hashtags for cycling photos. Of course, all the hashtags are for photos really. Furthermore, these set of hashtags are explicitly around pictures and photos. So naturally, they are some of the most popular cycling hashtags you can use on Instagram. Furthermore, use these cycling hashtags for pumping up your cycling pictures.


Road cycling hashtags

Cycling hashtags for road bike cyclists
One of my click from the tour I went on recently.

I use the below road cycling hashtags to optimize my posts whenever I ride a road bike and feel like posting something on my social media.

  • #BIKE
  • #CYCLE
  • #VELO
  • #RIDE

Mountain biking or MTB hashtags

Cycling hashtags for mountain biking posts for your social media.
Mountain biking

I love mountain biking. Mountain biking is something that keeps me alive, to be honest. The adrenaline rush of riding to the top of the mountains and spending some time with nature is what I like. Also, the downhill ride post spending some time with nature is amazing. I have been posting a lot of my MTB adventures on my Instagram, check out these MTB hashtags that I use. These MTB hashtags have got quite a reach and I am able to get a lot of organic traffic to my posts.

  • #MTB
  • #BIKE
  • #BIKES
  • #DH
  • #GOPRO
  • #RIDE
  • #PEDAL
  • #BMX
  • #BHFYP
  • #GOWES
  • #FOX
  • #BIKER
  • #BTT
  • #TRAIL

Cycle commuting hashtags

Cycle commuting hashtags for cyclists to like to ride to their work
Hashtags for daily commuters for their posts

Post COVID-19 lockdown getting over a lot of my friends have started going to office on their bikes. So I know a lot of folks like to flaunt their bike ride to work on their social media. So here is the list of cycle commuting hashtags for my friends who commute to work on their city bikes.

  • #EBIKE
  • #URBAN
  • #WORK
  • #BHFYP
  • #METRO
  • #BNW

Cycle Touring hashtags

Cycle Touring hashtags for cycle touring pictures and posts
Hashtags for cycle touring

These hashtags for cycle touring routinely get a lot of posts. I am listing all the one’s from which I got a massive user engagement.


The 10 tips!

I am also jotting down 10 tips and tricks for getting more traffic on social media.

  • Don’t use the generic hashtags: as they are so popular that your photo will disappear off the feed within a few minutes. Use slightly less popular, but more niche-specific tags. You’ll be more likely to reach the right crowd.
  • Post a clear description of the photo, then add all the tags afterward. It’s commonly accepted to see a block of 20 to 30 hashtags (30 is the max), and if you keep them to the first comment (rather than the main description), even better.
  • Look for accounts where the number they follow is similar to the number of followers they have. This indicates they generally follow people back.
  • Reposting other people’s content is generally considered acceptable on Instagram if you credit the original poster.
  • Tag big feature pages in your posts, and look out for feature page hashtags to use. For example, if your #shutterholictv photo is picked up by the @shutterholictv account, I will post on my timeline giving you due credit.

It’s almost over

  • You can’t post links on Instagram. The only place you can have a link is in your bio, so don’t forget to fill that in with your website address, or wherever you want to send them. Like I have the link to my YouTube channel.
  • This one is completely obvious – post good images. Instagram is a very visual medium so be creative.
  • Post regularly, I try and post at least 1 picture a day.
  • Engage with people. Like their posts. Comment on them. Try to post descriptions that encourage people to comment on your own posts.
  • Engage some more. Because that’s what really makes the difference.

Summing Up

I hope this article would have been useful to you. If yes, please drop a comment at the end of the page. If you have any questions even then drop in a comment and I will try to get back to you ASAP. Any hashtag addition to Road cycling hashtags, MTB hashtags, Cycle commuting hashtags, or Cycle Touring hashtags please mention in the comment below.



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