Once you purchase a domain name, the next step is purchasing an affordable hosting plan as per your requirements. Before purchasing check this comprehensive guide for hosting plan. If you have not purchased the domain name yet, click on the image below to get a free domain from Bluehost when you purchase hosting for your website. This comprehensive guide for a hosting plan covers all important aspects which come into consideration when choosing to host for your website.

Your need for hosting will depend upon the type of site you want to host. For e.g., if it’s a blog site, to start with you won’t need to invest much. If you have a business website that you need to host, you might have to purchase a plan which is a little expensive and comes loaded with professional features. Most of the bloggers make mistakes here. Do not just go and purchase a hosting plan without any kind of research. Research well. That’s the only thing which will save you a lot of money and trouble in the future. I did this mistake and had to switch to Bluehost post getting a traumatic experience with earlier hosting providers.
Things to check before purchasing a hosting plan
I had a few important things mapped out in my mind before I chose my hosting plan. This is exactly what you should do. Make a list of your goals or your requirement that you have before investing money in the hosting plans. Once you have a clear vision as to what you intend to accomplish with your blog, then start researching. This will help you in getting an affordable and hassle-free hosting plan. I am listing down a few parameters that you need to keep in mind before purchasing the hosting.
There are a lot of options in the market today when it comes to hosting. Companies with false promises will try and get your website hosted, however they are often accompanied by a lack of support and less uptime. Now, imagine if you are running a business website where you need timely customer support and 99.9% uptime. Companies that promise 100% uptime are a myth. This is because eventually, these companies need to upgrade their systems as well. So once in a year the website will go on maintenance, believe it or not. We just don’t realize it. So someone claiming that they can give you 100% uptime is a pure myth. Look for companies that have credibility and promise you 99% or uptime with timely communication for any downtime upgrades. So look for two qualities in your hosting provider. I looked for the same in mine.
- Uptime till 99.9%: This way your visitors are never disappointed if the website goes down for a brief moment.
- Phenomenal Customer Support: This needs to be there. I mean if you are not techy and need help in setting up things, customer support should be able to help you out. Like me, I am not too techy, however still running a blog.
This is what I look for when purchasing a hosting plan. There might be a time when you might need to upgrade your plan as per your requirement. Ensure that you chat with the technical support and have basic doubts cleared. Questions like.
- How easy is it to upgrade the plan in the future?
- What is the cost involved in the upgrade?
- In case you want to switch the hosting provider in the future, what’s the procedure?
There is so much competition in the market that at times you get confused as to which plan to go for. Make sure that you check and research the quality of the hosting provider. Read the reviews ask in forums & consult other bloggers. I remember my first hosting provider was so messed up, every time I published a post my blog went down. The Cpanel access was useless as port 80 kept getting locked. Make sure that the hosting company provides a secure and robust Cpanel. You should be able to manage your entire website from Cpanel without any issues.
The first thing that you should think about before finalizing the plan is the disk space. It basically means how much storage you would need for your blog site. Once your blog site gets going you are going to need a lot of space for your media and other content. Make sure that you do not run out of disk space. Think long term and not short term. That’s exactly how your goals should be. Long term and not short term. Now if you are running a blog site you might not need a lot of space. However, think about if you have a business website. That would require a lot of bandwidth and storage. Hence even before researching your goals in terms of disk space should be clear. This way you can plan long term goals and not just short term.
I would bring this to the last. If you are planning to start a blog, be ready to invest a little in the hosting plan. An affordable hosting plan is what we need, however, do not compromise on the above-stated factors. Believe me, buying cheap hosting with issues is bad as compared to spending a little more and getting a full stacked hosting package with no issues. If you are looking to host your web blog on WordPress, I would highly recommend Bluehost. This company has affordable hosting plans with full stacked features that are needed for a simple WordPress site. Their customer support is good and the services rarely go down. I have personally never seen Bluehost hosting crumple. A lot of my friends use it, and everyone seems to be pleased with the performance. If you want to buy hosting from Bluehost click the banner below.

In this comprehensive guide for hosting plan, I have included all the major factors to look at before you purchase any plan. In case you have questions related to this hosting guide please leave them in the comments section and I would love to answer them.
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