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Search Engine Optimization – SEO 2019

Welcome to the SEO 2019 category where you get updated tips and tricks about search optimization. We have put together a complete module for search engine optimization for the year 2019. These articles will help you to boost your search rankings in Google search rankings. Please do drop in your comments for improvement. In case you have something you need clarity on, please comment.
This module is lengthy and filled with complete information about search optimization. So please hold on to your horses and be patient. So, let’s deep dive into the search ocean unlocking Google’s strategy.

What is a sitemap?

Welcome to another article in my SEO 2019 and beyond series. In this article, we would create a sitemap and then submit the sitemap to Google. I use WordPress so this article would primarily...
Guide for anchor text in WordPress website

What is Anchor Text?

This article is a guide on understand of anchor text on a web page.

What is CDN?

The purpose of an authoritative website is to serve content all over the world. However, this comes with a predecided notion that the content should be displayed in less amount of time. If your...
SEO Keyword Themes article

SEO Keyword Themes

I wanted to write about SEO keyword themes just after I wrote about content quality. This is because it comes under content writing and is equally important. This might be a little complex but...
Payday loan update 2.0

Google’s Payday Load Update

The last three years were filled with activity. Google's SEO went through massive changes. Panda, Penguin & Hummingbird updates were rolled out in the years 2011, 2012, and 2013 respectively. In the month of...
Importance of quality content in SEO | creating content online

Importance of quality content in SEO

In my previous article, we talked about four pillars of modern SEO. Quality content or text in SEO is the number one major ranking factor. However, not many people agree with me. Let me...
What are tags in WordPress? | Learn how to optimize them for SEO

What are tags in WordPress?

I use WordPress as a content management platform for my blog site. I use it because it's easy to set up and manage. If you use WordPress like me, you would know that while...
Ultimate SEO Trends And Techniques For Small Business This 2020 | SEO Trends | SEO experts

Ultimate SEO Trends And Techniques For Small Business This 2020

Digital marketing is a tool used in maximizing the Internet. Having said that one should keep an eye on the SEO trends as well. Since the Internet is one of the predominantly-used mediums...