Welcome to yet another article on SEO. In this article, we would discuss the four pillars of modern SEO. In other words, four major SEO ranking factors post Penguin update. Google pay weightage to these factors as compared to any other ranking factor. I do a lot of freelancing SEO projects, and I have always tried to be on the white hat SEO side. However, I did try black hat SEO on a few of my projects.
The gains were phenomenal. However, the penalty was also phenomenal. Even though some of my clients push me for fast goals, but these goals are not realistic. I always think of long-term gain and not short-term. So I have stopped applying black hat SEO techniques to my work. Better late than a sorry mate.
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We know that Google judges webpages analyzing over 200 different indicators. However, over years I have realised that there are four pillars to modern SEO. If you control these four pillars, you can rank well on SERPs. I will discuss these major SEO ranking factors in details in my upcoming articles, but let’s briefly describe them. Take a look at the diagram below.

As I said we would be discussing these factors in detail. My upcoming articles will have comprehensive articles about each one of them. Furthermore, I would also tell you how you can strive to achieve these factors. Let us quickly define each one of them as of now.
- Quality Content: If you remember my article on Panda and Penguin update you would realize that Google was pushing webmasters for getting quality content. Who would like to read crappy content on the page? So make sure that whatever content you are posting should be of high quality.
- Authority: It is important to build links and to increase your domain authority. More the DA & PA more will be the visibility in SERPs.
- Site Organization: A healthy and easy to navigate structure is very necessary. Visitors coming on your website should not feel lost and should be able to navigate through the menu and other items easily. make sure you have a user-friendly site structure.
- What’s in it for the visitors?: I will be honest. If I am trying to find out something I will only stick to a webpage if that page has that particular information.
So these were four pillars of modern SEO that you should keep in mind while creating a webpage. Now, this was only a brief introduction. In my next article, I would focus on quality content and how you can write this quality content. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below.
Thank you
What is the difference between point 1 and 4?
Point 1 tells us to have quality content and in point 4 what I am referring to is the cornerstone content. So let’s say if I write about a particular topic I should have all the relevant content/blogs/articles that can be accessed by a user from the same page. So that the user does not have to go hunting for any information related to that particular topic.