Anchor text is a word written on web content that when clicked, redirects the user to another page or area of the website. They are traditionally blue-colored underlined text which can be altered with HTML coding. In some cases, these anchor text can also lead to a new web page as well. In this article let us, deep dive, into understanding different kinds of these hyperlinked texts like Generic Anchor Text, Branded Link Text, Exact Match Link Text, Partial Match Link Text, Long-tailed Anchor Text, Image-based Link Tags, Naked Link, Brand & Keyword Link Text and, LSI Link Text.
These anchor texts are very important for Search Engine Optimization of any page.

These tags provide insight to visitors and search engine bots about what the linked page would be like and what content can be expected.
Web developers shall make it a point that anchor texts are very important to get a good position on SERP’s but overstuffing the web content with links will dampen the overall ranking.
Different types of Anchor Text
In order to optimize your webpage for better visibility, easy readability, and comfortable navigation, you must understand the different varieties of anchor text that one can utilize.
This will not just make you have a clear idea of varieties but will also enhance your understanding of which anchor text to use under different circumstances for better SEO results.
Following is the list of varieties of anchor text that one can use on a webpage.
Generic Anchor Text
Generic Anchor Text is the most commonly used anchor text and readily found on almost all the websites.
As the name says, they are very generic in terms and use words like ‘Click Here’ or ‘Click here to download’ and so on. At times, they are also used as a part of a sentence like, ‘Click here to know more about Anchor text’, where ‘Click here’ is generic anchor text.
Branded Anchor Text
Similarly, as generic, they are also widely used where the Brand names are used as anchors for easy understanding. In any sentence, one can use these tags to lead the visitor to the respective page.
For example, “We sell all range of laptops including Acer, Asus, Lenovo and Dell”, where each brand name links take the user to a dedicated page for each brand.
Exact Match Anchor Text
Exact match anchor text is used by many but must be used wisely. The exact anchor means that you link the exact keyword or key phrase to a new page. It holds a good value but overstuffing of a key phrase may penalize the webpage.
For instance, “There are more than 100 Indian restaurants in New York that cater to all Indian cuisines.” Here, the exact search term is used as an anchor link. Here the user is trying to find a restaurant but those you serve Indian cuisine.
Partial Match Anchor Text
Partial matches, as the name describes, are having only partial keywords in the anchor text.
“There are more than 100 Indian restaurants in New York”. Only a partial key phrase is hyperlinked. Here the use is only looking for a restaurant in new york.
Long-tailed Anchor Text
Long-tailed anchor text is generally used to describe the content of the page in a long way. For example, “There are more than 100 5 star rated Indian restaurants in New York “. Long-tailed anchor text contains a long-tailed key phrase and helps in filtered search results.
Image-based Anchor Tags
For better image SEO, one shall always use the ‘alt tag‘ associated with an image. Search engine bots rely on these ‘alt’ tags to read and decipher the images. Use keywords widely to describe the images.
Naked Link Anchors
The simplest form of anchor text where the website URL is linked to itself. It can start with either HTTP, HTTPS, or simply www. They redirect the user to the webpage mentioned as a link anchor.
Brand & Keyword Anchor Text
Using keywords with any brand name is a rich anchor text. It holds a strong position from any SEO ranking if properly used. For example, “Running shoes by Nike” is a perfect example where people use the branded keyword for their search term.
LSI Anchor Text
When you search for a key phrase, in the search results, you may find alternate search helps. Using those suggested keywords along with the main one will help in more visibility. For instance, just using ‘Running shoes by Nike’, you can also opt for ‘Nike running shoes’, ‘Nike discount’, ‘Nike online shoes’ etc.
Tips for effective usage of Anchor Text
Anchor text has the power to make or break the reputation of a website for search engine crawlers. Use internal links wisely and the web page will appear in the top results. Overstuff and the anchor text in the wrong way, and there will be no one stopping the webpage to move out of visibility.
Using the black hat methodology will also penalize the web page. If one follows the guidelines to use the anchor text in a proper manner. One will soon see the effective result in few weeks.
Short and meaningful
The first and foremost rule for effective usage of anchor text is to use it on a relevant page for a meaningful purpose. Placing them at the right place will help in getting a better webpage rank.
Keyword Anchor density
One cannot define what overstuffing of a keyword is. However, using it more than 5-10% is not good. I use Yoast as my SEO plugin as it is an amazing resource for neatly doing your SEO on your WordPress website. Use the main keyword twice or thrice on a page whereas you can use other supportive keywords once.
Link farming
It is a well-known fact that cross-linking or backlinks helps. But too much of link farming for the sake of getting reciprocal links will spoil the effort. Do not link to spam, gambling or porn sites. Getting a one-way link from other sites without reciprocal help will generate better results.
Internal links
Do not use too many internal links.
Use it wisely and effectively. Where you redirect the user to a new page which describes the link text in an elaborate way. Use internal links only when necessary.
Dead links
Under any circumstances, make sure that your page does not be the host for any dead links. They are not at all liked by search engine robots. Check all links at regular intervals for proper functioning.
No matter that algorithms for various search engines change at regular periods, but the importance of link text is here to stay for long.
Investing time and money on effective usage of these links will pay back for sure.
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