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Start Blogging

How to start blogging with recurring income?

Start a blog

Seems like everyone wants to be their own boss today. Blogging is one of the ways in which you can really become one. I started my blog with a focus on guiding fellow future bloggers. I started a year back and with time this blog has started making steady monthly income. In this section of my web blog, I would take you on a complete guided tour of how to start a website from scratch. By following this section you will understand and will be able to create a website on your own.

In this section, I would explain to you how you can start your own blogsite. Not just start, but also earn from it and make a steady income. Follow this section for upcoming articles and anything that you do not understand please ask me. I would be happy to create the content for the same. Email me at shutterholictv@gmail.com. There will be a separate section for SEO for 2019 as well. So let’s start and let’s create a website.

5 strategies to choose a hosting plan for your website

A comprehensive guide for purchasing a hosting plan

Once you purchase a domain name, the next step is purchasing an affordable hosting plan as per your requirements. Before purchasing check this comprehensive guide for hosting plan. If you have not purchased the...

Major Changes To YouTube Partner Program

YouTube partner program (YPP) has done major changes set to come into force this year. Quite honest the terms now set will allow serious contributors to make quality content. So much bad content was...
Guide on building a website which stands out

Website Authority Business Model

This article is about building your own authority website and getting it monetized.
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How to Buy Server for Web Hosting – How to Create Your Own Server...

Hosting is the unnoticeable establishment of the web. Each website needs a 'home', a spot where its records are available whenever, anyplace. That is the thing that hosting does. It's a plot of web...
On-page SEO factors

SEO Ranking Factors-On page

This articles tells about the on-page SEO factors and their implication on the searches.
Website speed test is an important SEO indicator as stated by Google.

GTmetrix Vs Pingdom vs Webpagetest: Which is the best?

This article tells us about all three website speed tools which are GTmetrix, Pingdom & Webpagetest.

Tips To Write Content For Your Website

This article will tell you about the tips and tricks by which you can create content for your website.
siteground vs bluehost: Which one is the best?

SiteGround vs Bluehost: Which is the best?

This article is about Bluehost vs Siteground Hosting Comparison and will help you to choose the hosting as per your requirements.