I literally can’t sleep right now. My 300 Km Brevet is tomorrow, and I started writing this article a night before my ride. I do not know if this happens with everyone, but before any cycling event sleep tends to vanish. I recently did 200 Km Brevet. In my last article, I wrote about the tips and tricks to complete a 200 km Brevet ride. Let me take you through my journey of completing a 300 Km Brevet ride. Now, these rides are tough, however with a little practice and planning these rides can be a cakewalk. 300 km cycling is the second ladder to being a super randonneur.
Preparing for 300 Km Brevet
Once you do a 200 Km Brevet your mind and body automatically adjust and get acquainted with another 100 plus Km for your next brevet. 300 km cycling is tough, but not too tough if you prepare yourself.
I do short rides of 40 to 50 km every alternate day and on the weekend I do around 100 km. This keeps my body and mind prepared for this upcoming 300 km cycling event. So you were to ask me how did I prepare and what schedule I followed? I was doing short rides during the week and longer rides of 100 Km and more on weekends.
Make sure you are training pretty good for the 300 km. Do a long ride for around 100–150 km and see how you feel. I already did 200 km so this part was covered for me.
Things to pack for 300 Km Brevet
Now considering the fact the I am doing brevets in the winter season, there are few things that you might need to consider having before you start the ride.
Even though in my last article I elaborated on how you can prepare and what to carry on brevet rides, let me tell you in a nutshell what do you actually need to carry.
- Front and rear lights (required by ACP)
- A good quality helmet
- Backup front and rear lights
- Reflective vest (required by ACP)
- Spare tire tubes
- Spare Chain
- A portable pump which can be attached to your bike’s frame
- Extra batteries for any electronic device you depend on (phone, GPS, etc.)
- Energy bars in case I get hungry during the ride
- Electrol powder/Glucon D
- Two water bottles
- ID cards and some cash (That too in change)
**Require by ACP: Mandatory things need to be carried as advised by Audax Club Parisien
In addition to these items, you need to carry anything else peculiar to your needs. Most randonneurs will carry sun-screen, and many will carry Tums, for the stomach problems that are common on long, hot rides, as well as a chamois cream, Ibuprofen, and anything else that makes long days in the saddle more comfortable.
We had a discussion today on our Brevet group about carrying eye drops for dryness. Carry it if your eyes get dry on the ride. Or else go for a cycling shade that covers your eyes completely.
The Ride Day
I got up at 4:30 AM. The flag-off was at 6:00 AM, and you at least need to reach 30 minutes before to get your brevet card and attend the briefing by ride marshall. These things are important especially if you are not doing brevet from your local club and traveling to another city to do brevets. Without clear route instruction, you will be lost.
We started at 6 AM in the morning and headed to Jaipur Sikar highway. Your body does not get too tired and the cool breeze surely helps a lot. After riding for almost about two hours, we hit our first control point.
First Control Point of 300 Km Brevet

The first control point was on Jaipur Sikar road. We rode with little effort but swiftly. Our marshal vehicle was already at the control points. We had breakfast and then headed our way to the Sikar Bikaner highway.
I would suggest not taking long breaks at control points. Try to limit your breaks, as your body cools down, the lethargy kicks in. Keep your halts short and start your ride to the next control point.
Second Control Point of 300 Km Brevet

By the time we reach our second control point it was almost noon. As usual, our marshal vehicle was there. Tiredness does not kick in till the time you cross 200+ KM in a 300 km brevet. After doing a couple of brevets I think the distance has got nothing to do with you getting tired. It is just your mind that gets tired.
The last leg of the ride is the one that is most tiring. Till the time you keep your brain keeps functioning, and it tells you that your body is not tired, your body basically does not get tired.
Third & Final Control Point for 300 km brevet

So, at exactly 150 km turn point we had our third and final control point. It took almost 8 hours to reach halfway through. Riding till the turning point is easy compared to returning back to the finish point. This I realized after having 3 flats and a busted tire. A puncture kit, spare tubes, and a spare tire, this is what I recommend that you should carry. Other riders might or might not help, like in my case, I got plenty of help from the fellow riders.
Heading back to the starting point
Heading back from the final control points in endurance rides are tough. The reason why I say it’s tough is that the body tries to take control of your mind and force you to make multiple stops.
You can make stops, however, keep a check on the clock. A firm determination and making up your mind for the last leg of the ride is essential. Ever thought while working out when your body does not listen to you when you get tired, it’s the mind which gets your body back on track. If you believe that this is something you should achieve, your body will have no choice but to align itself with your mind.
This is exactly what I did. We finished our brevet at around 10 PM, with few hours still remaining. As soon as you reach your finish point, the body rejuvenates and you no longer feel tired. I guess it’s all in the mind. So this was all about the 300 km brevet or 300 km cycling which I completed successfully. Thank you for reading, if you have any questions please drop in a comment below. I would love to answer any questions you might have.
How frequently do u need to have energy gel. How many extra tubes and tyres you kept. What do u do when it’s cramping in calf, quadriceps?
I carry energy bars, at least 4.(There is no limit) India my friend is full of food joints, so there is no need to carry energy gels. I carry one extra tube and a puncture kit with one small portable pump. When I get cramp I usually stop at a place and have full stretch exercises, moreover since this is not a race so all riders will be happy to help with stretching. I remember my friend, even though he could have gone, but he helped me in getting my stretches and I was ok. If you are riding solo you should know your body anatomy. Anything else please let me know buddy.
I am planning to ride March 14 Night brevet 300Kms.(Nagpur Randonneurs) I did my 200Kms brevet one year ago in 13Hrs. I am a bit worried as if I will be able to do it or not as my timing in the 200s was almost cut to cut. So what do you recommend? I have surely improved my riding but still a bit irregular due to college and studies. please reply ASAP, need someone’s advice who already have some experience as you. 🙂 🙂
It’s all in the mind. Every endurance race is a battle between body and mind. If your mind wins, your body will have no choice but to listen to your mind and do exactly as your mind tells. I did my 300 with a bunch of other fellow riders. We kept on motivating each other and soon we were at the finish point. So if you are doing this for the first time, ride along with other experienced riders, it will help you in finishing the event in a timely manner.
Keep you determination strong and it is going to be a cakewalk for you.
Best of luck brother.
Hi Varun,
Great Article, I am was planning to 300 BRM on 22-Nov-2020 but was not able to took decision based on following questions. Could you please help me out?
1. I have completed 101.KM few months back but I am not regular bike rider, I am running average 21 KM in week. Is it still doable if you are not a regular bike rider?
2. I have a normal bike doest that make any difference? I have seen long distance riders are using road bikes
Many thanks for writing this article
Hello Bhagwant,
Thank you for writing. Let me address your questions one by one.
1. Firstly, if you have done a century ride and you are riding around 20 km daily then this would be a cakewalk for you. Having said that I have always felt that when you ride with a group in BRM, 200 km actually feels like 100 km and so on. Find good riders and ride with them and this will be over before you start getting tired. You are ready for this.
2. Riders have done it with a normal cycle, non geared cycles, MTB’s, hybrids, and even tandem bikes so the choice of bike does not matter. What matters how comfortable you are on your bike. If you have done a century with the bike you have right now, you are ready and your bike is too.
You are ready, go and do it, my friend, best of luck.
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Thank you for your kind words and I am glad that you liked the article.
Nice article Mr. Varun Tyagi, ( has to be useful for newbie) you are right , ” Every endurance race is a battle between body and mind.” Yes it is mind game . After completing my first SR on a road bike , I want to try 200 BRM with an ordinary common man cycle ( raleigh cycle) weighing 20 Kg plus with single fixed gear ,without any practice . I could complete it , an hour to spare. During my school days in 70’s I was having a raleigh and a BSA – SLR (sports ) . I could manage to get a raleigh vintage cycle for 200 BRM. Now looking for BSA – SLR vintage cycle to do rest of the BRM’s for the SR title . Can you help me out in getting one at a reasonable price .
Thank you for your comment sir. I will try and search for it in Jaipur as a few online options showed to be currently unavailable. Having said that, there is a probability that either Delhi or Punjab might have it. Let me put a word across, if I get any response I will connect with you on the email.
Thank you , do text me once you have the information.
great article sir
Thank you Pradeep.
Varun for the lovely article on 300..I want to do it eventually..I am very slow in riding, my average comes to around 16km/hr. Having said that,I have done slow 15 century rides in 5 months starting from Jan till now…Recently i did a 100kms BRM and completed it successfully. Please suggest if i can go ahead for a 300..
Meghna you are more than ready to do the 300 BRM. If you’re getting the average of around 16 KM/hour you would be able to do it within the 20-hour window. What I generally do is I try finding riders in the brevet who can match my pace. So when we ride in a group, cycling talking, the time and distance pass by in a flash. I recommend riding with your friends in brevet and you won’t feel tired. Secondly, cover as much distance as you can in the first go when you are full of energy, take fewer breaks. I usually take a 5 minutes break after 40 to 45 KM. However, this is entirely up to you. Rather than thinking of this as a brevet think as if you are riding with your friends, enjoy it and you won’t feel tired at all. PS: Carry energy bars and keep hydrated. Wear all safety gears and be safe and best of luck.
Thankyou so much Varun?
Thankyou Varun for the lovely article on 300..I want to do it eventually..I am very slow in riding, my average comes to around 16km/hr. Having said that,I have done slow 15 century rides in 5 months starting from Jan till now…Recently i did a 100kms BRM and completed it successfully. Please suggest if i can go ahead for a 300..